Thursday 4 February 2010

Welcome to Somaliland Blog for Peace and Security

Somaliland has faced many challenges in the last two decades and the greatest threat is that of terrorism and insecurity in the Horn of Africa. The threat of terrorism and piracy in the Horn has become one of the greatest challenges that the International Community has to face globally in the 21st century. Somaliland is protecting the security of its borders against terrorism and protects their waters from piracy with minimum assistance from the International Community. The issues of terrorism and piracy have become major security issues for today's global world.

Somaliland with the support of Triton International is working to find immediate solutions for its piracy threats in the Horn. Equally Somaliland is working with the International Community to combat terrorism in the Horn. Somaliland though not recognised is playing a major role in protecting the Horn from further security threats. Somaliland's lack of recognition will only threaten and create more security challenges for the red sea and a major route connected to all trades. Somaliland has proven to be a positive partner in a region that is known for piracy and terrorism and has shown a good record towards this though Somaliland is working with minimum assistance from the International Community. Somaliland relies on the good will of their small community of International Friends who has stood up by Somaliland's quest for recognition, development aswell as allowing their voice to be heard in the International platform.

Somaliland definitely needs international help to be able to form policies and an environment that will help tackle 21st century global threats. The fact that Somaliland emerged from post conflict situation is a good example and can help others learn from its lessons.